Play Dough Worksheets - TAS Modern Cursive Font


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TAS Modern Cursive Font Letters & Number Worksheets for OTs & Tutors

The entire lower case alphabet and numbers from 0 to 9 completed using TAS Modern Cursive Font.

This printable download is great for fine motor skills and the recognition of each individual letter and number.

  • Each worksheet contains a smaller version of both the letter and number.
  • The worksheets have been designed this way to enable your clients to see the correct formation of each individual letter and number when they are formed on the three writing lines.   

Once your clients they can confidently draw or use play dough to form both these letters and numbers, reduce the worksheet size by printing 2 to a page, 4 to a page on so on...

This download includes:

  • The twenty six lowercase letters completed using TAS Modern Cursive Font.
  • Numbers from zero to nine using completed using TAS Modern Cursive Font.
  • Writeboards® large lines worksheet to practice forming the letters and numbers without using a tracing worksheet to assist them.
  • Writeboards® plain worksheet for freehand formation of the TAS letters and numbers.