TAS Modern Cursive Font Birthday Posters


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TAS Modern Cursive Font Birthday Posters for Your Classroom Wall

This download was created to let your students know which of their classmates has a birthday coming up next. It is completed using TAS Modern Cursive Font.

Your students will love this idea. When they see their name up on the classroom wall under the month for their birthday it will make them feel special.  At the beginning of each month you could talk about whose birthday is coming up and make it a regular monthly event. It will have a twofold effect, the students who have a birthday coming up will feel warm and fuzzy inside, plus it will also remind their other classmates that their birthday is this month.

Each month has plenty of room for you to write all of your students names on the cake. Over the many years we have been in business we have found that some schools have attached colourful name tags to the cake, with the students name also completed using TAS Modern Cursive Font.

NOTE: This download cannot be purchased separately. Schools, teachers, businesses, or professional persons will require a Writeboards Site Licence.