Divided Lines - QLD Modern Cursive Font


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QLD Modern Cursive Font Divided Line Worksheets

  • Writeboards® have consulted with Occupational Therapists to replicate this wonderful system which uses QLD Modern Cursive Font worksheets.
  • This download will teach your child (in the easiest format) where the letter begins and where it ends.
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    Most children know where the sky is in relation to both the grass and dirt.

      • Instead of your child having three plain lines in front of them, the three lines are in groups of colours. Divided Lines uses the concept of Sky, Grass and Dirt.
      • For example b starts in the sky and goes down to the grass and finishes in the grass, while p starts in the grass and goes down to the dirt and finishes back up in the grass.
      • After your child has mastered this system, they can easily adapt it to the three plain lines.

          This download includes:

          • The complete QLD Modern Cursive Font lower case alphabet.
          • The QCursive worksheets are grouped into the QLD Modern Cursive Font letter families. As an example of this coa are part of the Anti-Clockwise Family.
          • Writeboards plain divided line worksheets to enable your child to learn to form letters without the help of a tracing worksheet.

          NOTE: This download is for HOME USE only. If you are a school, teacher, business or professional person you will require a Writeboards Site Licence.