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QCursive Family Letters Pack


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QLD Family Letters Handwriting Worksheets

Teach your child that QLD lower case letters are actually divided into five different letter families and that they are related in their formation.

This download includes:

These worksheets are completed using QCursive handwriting.

  • Anti Clockwise Family coa, dgq, es, fj and a whole sheet of c (which turns into other letters).
  • Clockwise Family - nmr, bhk and bp.
  • Wave Letters Family - uy and vw.
  • Straight Line Letters Family - ilt.
  • Diagonal line letter family - xz.
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    Extras include:

    • QCursive upper case letters worksheets with extra line room for practice ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PQR STU, VWX and YZ.
    • QCursive Qwerty keyboard with letters, qwerty keyboard without letters.
    • Australian flag picture, Australian flag outline for tracing and colouring.
    • Story page
    • Writeboards Lines worksheets in two different sizes for extra practice.
    • Plain Writeboards worksheet for drawing, doodling etc. 

    NOTE: This download is for HOME USE only. If you are a school, teacher, business or professional person you will require a Writeboards Site Licence.