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Supreme Starter Pack - VIC Modern Cursive Font


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VIC, NT & WA Handwriting Worksheets & Games

This pack includes letters and numbers completed using VIC Modern Cursive Font, plus some games for extra fun!

All VIC, NT and WA handwriting worksheets are completed both with and without directional arrows.

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This download includes:

All of these worksheets are completed in VIC Modern Cursive Font.

  • Lowercase a-z in Dots, Lower Case a-z in Outline, Lower Case a-z in Bold.
  • Uppercase A-Z in Dots, Upper Case A-Z in Outline, Upper Case A-Z in Bold.
  • Numbers from 0-9 in Dots, Numbers from 0-9 in Outline, Numbers from 0-9 in Bold.
  • Lowercase letters with extra line room for practice - abc, def, ghi, jkl, mno, pqr, stu, vwx and yz.
  • Uppercase letters with extra line room for practice - ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PQR, STU, VWX and YZ.

Extras in this download include:

  • Times Tables one through to six both with and without the answers.
  • Times Tables seven through to twelve both with and without the answers.
  • Times Tables in groups one to six both with and without the answers.
  • Times Tables in groups seven to twelve both with and without the answers.
  • Map of Australia, Story page, Line Up four game and Square game.
  • Writeboards lines worksheets for practice without tracing.
  • Writeboards plain worksheet for painting, drawing, finger painting, copying, doodling etc. 

NOTE: This download is for HOME USE only. If you are a school, teacher, business or professional person you will require a Writeboards Site Licence.